Professor Mikhail Efimovich Deich. On the 100th Anniversary of the Birth

  • Аркадий [Arkadiy] Ефимович [E.] Зарянкин [Zariankin]
Keywords: a pleiad of eminent scientists, engineering staff, technical progress, Department of Heat Engines


In 2016, celebrated the centenary of the birth of the doctor of technical sciences, Professor Mikhail Efimovich Deitch, whose portrait ever taken pride of place in the gallery of distinguished scholars and teachers MEI last century, have provided at that time not only the highest rating among all MEI USSR universities both in terms of preparation of the engineering staff, as well as the importance of the institute for energy security, but also to actively influence the fantastic technological advances in the 50—60 years of the last century. Memories of the scientific and teaching activities of Ph.D. Professor M.E. Deich, a scientist who worked at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute’s Department of Steam and Gas Turbines in the middle of the last century and made a great contribution in the development of theoretical fluid dynamics and domestic turbine manufacturing industry, are presented.

Information about author

Аркадий [Arkadiy] Ефимович [E.] Зарянкин [Zariankin]

Science degree: Dr. Sci. (Techn.)
Workplace Steam and Gas Turbines named after A.V. Shcheglyaev Dept., NRU MPEI
Occupation professor

MPEI: People and years (07.00.10)