The Effect of Heating Temperature on the Radio-Technical Properties of Flexible Radar-Absorbing Material

  • Несреддин [Nesreddin] Ханмагомедович [Kh.] Гюльмагомедов [Gyul’magomedov]
  • Юрий [Yuri] Иванович [I.] Лукашенко [Lukashenko]
Keywords: radio detecting and ranging, radar absorbing material, radar cross-section, visibility reduction


The effect of heating temperature on the radar-absorbing properties of a flexible radar-absorbing material (FRAM) sample is considered. Special attention is paid to the ability of this material to reduce the radar cross-section (RCS) of various equipment models and to retain the radar-absorbing properties when exposed to high temperatures. A procedure of subjecting FRAM to radio-technical measurements before and after its exposure to heating was drawn up. An anechoic chamber intended for measuring the radio-technical and reflective properties of objects was used for elaborating the procedure. The anechoic chamber was used to measure the RCS of a metal sheet alone and of the same sheet covered with FRAM in a frequency band of 1--10 GHz, before and after heating it. The sample was heated in a high-temperature chamber with the use of high-pressure thermocouples to monitor the heating temperature. In addition, the theoretical dependence of the metal sheet RCS in the studied frequency band was calculated. The obtained dependencies were used to estimate the extent to which the RCS of a metal sheet covered by FRAM decreased before and after the heating. The results from processing the dependences revealed a slight decrease in the radar absorbing properties of the FRAM after its exposure to heating. This difference is attributed to oxidation of certain materials that make up the FRAM. An analysis of the obtained dependencies has shown that the radar absorbing properties of the FRAM undergone only minor changes after heating. The FRAM has been found to possess pronounced radar absorbing properties in the studied frequency band. The obtained results can serve as a good basis for further investigation of the possibility of using the FRAM as a means for reducing the visibility of flying objects in the field of aircraft and rocket engineering.

Information about authors

Несреддин [Nesreddin] Ханмагомедович [Kh.] Гюльмагомедов [Gyul’magomedov]

Workplace: Radio Devices and Antenna Systems Dept., NRU MPEI

Occupation: Ph.D.-student

Юрий [Yuri] Иванович [I.] Лукашенко [Lukashenko]

Science degree: Ph.D. (Techn.)

Workplace Radio Devices and Antenna Systems Dept., NRU MPEI

Occupation Professor


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For citation: Gyul’magomedov N.Kh., Lukashenko Yu.I. The Effect of Heating Temperature on the Radio-Technical Properties of Flexible Radar-Absorbing Material. MPEI Vestnik. 2017; 4: 142—145. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2017-4-142-145.
Radio Engineering and Communications (05.12.00)