On the Information Rate in Key Pre-Distribution Schemes with Mutually Complementary Correctness Conditions

  • Александр [Aleksandr] Васильевич [V.] Затей [Zatey]
Keywords: information rate, probabilistic method of synthesis key pre-distribution scheme, cryptographic hash function, correctness condition, computer network


The article presents the key pre-distribution schemes that are used to reduce the total amount of secret information distributed to network subscribers through secure channels, using which the secret key is calculated to establish a secure network connection between the participants. The key pre- distribution schemes in a computer network imply the use of a trusted center that produces packets having the same volume and transmits them to the relevant participants proceeding from the original secret system key information. The composition of these packets and additional unclassified information about them are published on a public server. The secret key information received by each participant must be sufficient for calculating the working keys to communicate with the participants of a certain group from among the groups the participant belongs to and who knows the composition of their secret information packets. The composition of the groups themselves is also commonly known and published. Computer experiments were carried out, and the minimal and sufficient assessments were performed using the probabilistic algorithm for synthesizing key pre-distribution schemes with the correctness conditions of two well-known schemes, namely, the Key Distribution Pattern (KDP) and Hashed Random Preloaded Subset Key Distribution (HARPS), and it has been shown from the obtained results that the combined scheme has advantages — both in theoretical and practical respects — in regard of its efficiency. The information rate concept is considered as an efficiency criterion of a key pre-distribution scheme in the task of minimizing the distributed volume of secret information stored by the network participants.

Information about author

Александр [Aleksandr] Васильевич [V.] Затей [Zatey]






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Для цитирования: Затей А.В. Об информационной скорости в схемах предварительного распределения ключей с взаимно дополняющими условиями их корректности // Вестник МЭИ. 2017. № 6. С. 152—157. DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2017-6-152-157.
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For citation: Zatey A.V. On the Information Rate in Key Pre-Distribution Schemes with Mutually Complementary Correctness Conditions. MPEI Vestnik. 2017; 6:152—157. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2017-6-152-157.
Informatics, computer engineering and control (05.13.00)