Reduction of Injuries at Electric Power Industry Enterprises with the Aid of Socionics

  • Виктор [Viktor] Тихонович [T.] Медведев [Medvedev]
  • Антонина [Antonina] Львовна [L.] Суздалева [Suzdaleva]
  • Елена [Elena] Алексеевна [A.] Москаленко [Moskalenko]
Keywords: accident, injuries, traumatism, accident typology, logical-intuitive introvert, logical-sensory introvert, socionics


Socionics studies the performance of a human psyche when he or she processes the perceived information. This science makes it possible tdetermine the suitability of an individual to perform a specific role in the production process. The article analyzes statistical data on injuries in the electric power industry. The causes and typology of traumatism, and the age and sex structure of traumatism are investigated. One of the main factors causing the occurrence of accidents is the lack of necessary criteria for selecting lower- and medium-level managers. Socionic testing results have shown that labor safety is enhanced if production processes are directly managed by people who, according to the peculiarities of their psyche, are logical-sensory introverts. They are able to align themselves with rapidly changing circumstances and make an adequate decision within the shortest period of time. Logical-sensory introverts are not prone to compromises, they respect subordination and do not tolerate objections. At the same time, people of this type are far from being purely robotic executives. Logical-sensory introverts have good analytical thinking and well-developed logic. They are able to distinguish the main and reject the secondary; they really estimate the practical possibilities of their activities and do not ignore the possibilities of alternative solutions. Their important quality lies in the ability to promptly convey information to their subordinates and to sensitively perceive their response. The work of logical-sensory introverts is most effective if the number of their subordinates does not exceed 8 ̶ 10 people. Therefore, they should be recommended for the posts of subdivision heads. The article presents the results of applying the socionics methodology for assessing the professional suitability of a particular person for work in the position of the deputy chief of operational-process and situational management of a power industry enterprise.

Information about authors

Виктор [Viktor] Тихонович [T.] Медведев [Medvedev]

Science degree:

Dr.Sci. (Techn.)


Engineering Ecology and Labor Safety Dept., NRU MPEI



Антонина [Antonina] Львовна [L.] Суздалева [Suzdaleva]

Science degree:

Dr.Sci. (Biolog.)


Engineering Ecology and Labor Safety Dept., NRU MPEI



Елена [Elena] Алексеевна [A.] Москаленко [Moskalenko]

Master in «Electric Power and Electrical Engineering»


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For citation: Medvedev V.T., Suzdaleva A.L., Moskalenko E.A. Reduction of Injuries at Electric Power Industry Enterprises with the Aid of Socionics. MPEI Vestnik. 2018;4:157—162. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2018-4-157-162.
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