The Nonlinear Properties of Semiconductor Voltage Converters for LED Light Sources

  • Артем [Artem] Юрьевич [Yu.] Олисовец [Olisovets]
  • Василий [Vasiliy] Иванович [I.] Туев [Tuev]
  • Семен [Semen] Петрович [P.] Шкарупо [Shkarupo]
Keywords: light emitting diode, harmonic emission, power factor, current waveform, voltage


Тhe main advantages of LED lamps over conventional light sources are considered. A converter of the input AC voltage into an output DC current with a power factor corrector (PFC) is one of a LED lamp’s main functional elements. The main advantages and disadvantages of active and passive PFCs as applied to their use in the composition of LED lamps are considered. The processes occurring in the converter with a passive PFC are represented by repeating groups of four time intervals with linking their boundaries to the instantaneous output voltage values. Equivalent circuit diagrams explaining the processes in different time intervals are given. The waveform of current consumed from the input voltage source with zero inner impedance is determined using the operator method for analysis of steady-state values and the classical method for analysis of transients. The current-voltage characteristics of the diodes are approximated by a piecewise linear function. The processes were mathematically simulated in the MathCAD computer-aided design system. For determining the harmonic composition of the consumed current, the function describing its waveform (which was calculated using the expressions presented in the article) is expanded into a Fourier series. For experimentally verifying the obtained results, a prototype converter with a passive PFC has been designed and fabricated. A comparison between the calculation results with experimental data is given. By using the presented analytical model of a voltage converter with a passive PFC it is possible to analyze the electromagnetic compatibility of LED lamp power supplies in terms of emitting higher harmonic components.

Information about authors

Артем [Artem] Юрьевич [Yu.] Олисовец [Olisovets]


Radioelectronic Technologies and Environmental Monitoring Dept., Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics



Василий [Vasiliy] Иванович [I.] Туев [Tuev]

Science degree:

Dr.Sci. (Techn.)


Radioelectronic Technologies and Environmental Monitoring Dept., Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics


Head of Department

Семен [Semen] Петрович [P.] Шкарупо [Shkarupo]


Radioelectronic Technologies and Environmental Monitoring Dept., Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics




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For citation: Olisovets A.Yu., Tuev V.I., Shkarupo S.P. The Nonlinear Properties of Semiconductor Voltage Converters for LED Light Sources. MPEI Vestnik. 2018;5:42—47. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2018-5-42-47.
Electrical Engineering (05.09.00)