Complex Bandpass Filters Involving Complex Delays Constructed on the Basis of Switched Capacitors and Two Operational Amplifiers

  • Юрий [Yuriy] Александрович [A.] Гребенко [Grebenko]
  • Ко Мин [Ko Min] Аунг [Aung]
Keywords: complex bandpass filter, switched capacitor, complex delay


The article deals with development of methods for designing complex filters on the basis of switched capacitors. Analog and digital complex filters are described in the technical literature in sufficient detail. In recent years, investigations devoted to designing and implementing complex filters on the basis of switched capacitors have emerged. In a number of articles, basic sections of a special type, called a complex delay, were used to construct complex filters. The use of complex delays makes it possible to simplify the design calculation of the filter structural diagram. In addition, it opens the possibility of tuning the bandpass complex filter band center by simultaneously changing the parameters of complex delays. A new complex delay scheme implemented on two operational amplifiers is described. A procedure for designing complex bandpass filters on the basis of complex delays implemented with the use of switched capacitors is considered. As an example, the basic circuit of a complex bandpass filter with a 3rd order Butterworth low-pass prototype has been developed. The calculation was carried out in the Z domain. The resulting transfer function was implemented in the form of two models. The first model is implemented on the basis of analog complex delays and adders. The second model is constructed on the basis of adders and complex delays containing operational amplifiers and switched capacitors. The schematic modeling of complex filters was carried out in the MicroCap software environment. The complex filter’s frequency response was calculated using the first model. The transformation of an impulse signal in the time domain was simulated using both the first and the second models. The output signals of both filters were identical with each other. The simulation results have confirmed the efficiency of the proposed method for designing complex filters on the basis of switched capacitors.

Information about authors

Юрий [Yuriy] Александрович [A.] Гребенко [Grebenko]

Science degree:

Dr.Sci. (Techn.)


Formation and Processing of Radio Signals Dept., NRU MPEI


Head of Department

Ко Мин [Ko Min] Аунг [Aung]


Formation and Processing of Radio Signals Dept., NRU MPEI




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For citation: Grebenko Yu.A., Aung Ko Min. Complex Bandpass Filters Involving Complex Delays Constructed on the Basis of Switched Capacitors and Two Operational Amplifiers. MPEI Vestnik. 2018;6:147—152. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2018-6-147-152.
Radio Engineering and Communications (05.12.00)