Energy Saving Electric Drive for the Tractor Tire Test Bench

  • Елена [Elena] Андреевна [A.] Власьевнина [Vlasyevnina]
  • Олег [Oleg] Иванович [I.] Осипов [Osipov]
Keywords: bench, electric drive, tire wear, rotation mechanism, induction motor, recuperation, energy efficiency


The article addresses matters concerned with designing the tractor tire test bench with taking into account the shortcomings of its previous designs and considers the possibility of performing tractor tire tests with better energy efficiency and reliability. The existing domestic and foreign test benches are analyzed.

The test bench electric drive power part’s functional diagram is proposed along with the power flows and power loss distribution diagram in the bench drives for estimating their power performance characteristics. From the technical point of view, the aim of the development is to reduce the electricity consumption. To this end, the bench is equipped with two additional electric machines operating in regenerative braking modes, thereby ensuring return of energy back to the network (an individual loading induction motor is provided for each tire).

The article describes the bench design, its technical characteristics, requirements for the bench control system, and the technical solution that allows more efficient tire test results to be obtained due to returning energy back to the network and due to the fact that the drive power is now spent only to compensate losses in the bench mechanisms. A vector control system of interconnected electric drives used in the bench is mathematically modeled, and its technical capabilities are investigated. The effectiveness of the proposed solution is proved based on estimating the energy return level to the drive power supply grid.

Information about authors

Елена [Elena] Андреевна [A.] Власьевнина [Vlasyevnina]

Ph.D.-student of Electric Drives Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:

Олег [Oleg] Иванович [I.] Осипов [Osipov]

Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Professor of Electric Drives Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:


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For citation: Vlasyevnina E.A., Osipov O.I. Energy Saving Electric Drive for the Tractor Tire Test Bench. Bulletin of MPEI. 2019;2: 73—79. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2019-2-73-79.
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For citation: Vlasyevnina E.A., Osipov O.I. Energy Saving Electric Drive for the Tractor Tire Test Bench. Bulletin of MPEI. 2019;2: 73—79. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2019-2-73-79.
Electrical Complex and Systems (05.09.03)