Prospective Digital Processing Methods of Multidimensional Signals with the Use of Irregular Meshes

  • Сергей [Sergey] Викторович [V.] Вишняков [Vishnyakov]
  • Елизавета [Elizaveta] Александровна [A.] Соколова [Sokolova]
  • Виталий [Vitaliy] Валерьевич [V.] Пехтерев [Pekhterev]
Keywords: multidimensional digital signal processing, irregular mesh, figurate numbers


The article considers sparse representation of signals based on using irregular meshes, which is one of prospective lines in digital processing of multidimensional signals. Application of irregular meshes has been seen for several decades as a promising field of investigations opening the possibility of using high efficiency of representing a signal carrier in combination with well-developed approximation methods used in solving boundary-value problems. However, lack of tools suitable for solving typical digital signal processing problems with the use of irregular meshes (e.g., for computing orthogonal discrete transforms) had resulted in that any noticeable and practically significant results are lacking in this area. Nevertheless, the recent years have seen a growth of interest in using irregular meshes.

The article presents the results of investigations in this field that were carried out at the MPEI Chair for Computers, Systems and Networks. Matters concerned with generation of irregular meshes adapted to the specific features of multidimensional signals are addressed. Algorithms intended for carrying out interpolation, for making a shift from a regular carrier (a uniform regular mesh) to an irregular one, and for computing discrete transformations for a signal with an irregular carrier are presented. Solutions for arranging intellectual signal processing, such as pattern recognition and motion detection, are suggested.

Information about authors

Сергей [Sergey] Викторович [V.] Вишняков [Vishnyakov]

Ph.D. (Techn.), Head of Computing Machines, Systems and Networks Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:

Елизавета [Elizaveta] Александровна [A.] Соколова [Sokolova]

Ph.D.-student of Computing Machines, Systems and Networks Dept., NRU MPEI

Виталий [Vitaliy] Валерьевич [V.] Пехтерев [Pekhterev]

Assistant of Computing Machines, Systems and Networks Dept., NRU MPEI


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Для цитирования: Вишняков С.В., Соколова Е.А., Пехтерев В.В. Перспективные методы цифровой обработки многомерных сигналов на основе применения нерегулярных сеток // Вестник МЭИ. 2019. № 3. С. 98—107. DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2019-3-98-107.
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20. Li Y., Zhang C., Yu Q. Quadratic Polynomial Interpolation on Triangular Domain. Proc. IX Intern. Conf. Graphic and Image Proc. 2017.
21. Hilsmann A., Schneider D.C., Eisert P. Realistic Cloth Augmentation in Single View Video under Occlusions. Computers & Graphics. 2010;34 (5):567—574.
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24. Shen J., Jin X., Zhou C., Wang C. Gradient Based Image Completion by Solving the Poisson Equation. Computers and Graphics. 2007;31 (1):119—126.
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26. Basu S., Zerzghi A. Multidimensional Digital Filter Approach for Numerical Solution of a Class of PDEs of the Propagating Wave Type. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Syst. 1999;41;2:170—181.
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30. Jagalur-Mohan J., Feijoo G., Oberai A. A Galerkin Least Squares Method for Time Harmonic Maxwell Equations Using Nedelec Elements. J. Computational Phys. 2013;235:67—81.
31. Pekhterev V.V., Vishnyakov S.V., Chobanu M.K. Integral'noe Vydelenie Strukturnykh Osobennostey Izobrazheniya. Tsifrovaya Obrabotka Signalov i ee Primenenie: Materialy 17 Mezhdunar. Konf. 2015:501—504. (in Russian).
32. Kallinderis Y., Kontzialis C. A Priori Mesh Quality Estimation via Direct Relation Between Truncation Error and Mesh Distortion. J. Computational Phys. 2009;228 (3): 881—902.
33. Vishnyakov S. Artificial Neural Networks Implementation in Digital Signal Processing Couses. Proc. IV Intern. Conf. Informatization Engineering Education. 2018.
34. Vishnyakov S., Pekhterev V., Sokolova E. A Novel Method of the Image Processing on Irregular Triangular Meshes. Proc. IX Intern. Conf. Graphic and Image Proc. 2017;10615.
For citation: Vishnyakov S.V., Sokolova E.A., Pekhterev V.V. Prospective Digital Processing Methods of Multidimensional Signals with the Use of Irregular Meshes. Bulletin of MPEI. 2019;3:98—107. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2019-3-98-107
System Analysis, Management and Information Processing (05.13.01)