Implementation of Lookahead Parallelism and Experimental Implementation of Its Efficiency

  • Виталий [Vitaliy] Павлович [P.] Кутепов [Kutepov]
  • Михаил [Mikhail] Игоревич [I.] Зубов [Zubov]
Keywords: parallel programming, control of parallel processes, lookahead computations, FPTL


A method for implementing parallel lookahead computations is proposed, the use of which makes possible to increase the degree to which computer programs are set to run in parallel flows and, under certain conditions, significantly reduce their execution time on computer systems. A conditional operator is the typical case of possible application of lookahead computations in programming languages. In executing it, it is possible to simultaneously compute the predicate values with predicting the function value. This kind of parallelism has not been currently implemented in many well-known parallel programming environments: PVM, MPI, MULTITHREADING, HOPE, etc. The proposed method is implemented as an extension of the functional parallel programming system created on the basis of the Functional Parallel Typified Language (FPTL).

The article gives a brief description of the FPTL language and its capabilities presents formulas for evaluating the effectiveness of lookahead computations in terms of criteria of accelerating and reducing the execution time of parallel programs, describes the key parts of the FPTL interpreter and the software implementation of the proposed method, and presents the results of experiments that demonstrate the possible efficiency limits of using lookahead computations in executing parallel FPTL programs on multicore computers.

Information about authors

Виталий [Vitaliy] Павлович [P.] Кутепов [Kutepov]

Dr.Sci. (Techn.), Professor of Applied Mathematics Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:

Михаил [Mikhail] Игоревич [I.] Зубов [Zubov]

Master's Degree Student of Applied Mathematics Dept., NRU MPEI, e-mail:


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Работа выполнена при поддержке: РФФИ (грант № 18-01-00548)
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For citation: Kutepov V.P., Zubov M.I. Implementation of Lookahead Parallelism and Experimental Implementation of Its Efficiency. Bulletin of MPEI. 2019;4:119—126. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2019-4-119-126.
The work is executed at support: RFBR (grant No. 18-01-00548)
Mathematical and Software Support of Computing Machines, Complexes and Computer (05.13.11)