• Михаил [Mikhail] Юрьевич [ Yu.] Кузьминов [Kuz'minov]
Keywords: creative environment, creative work, creative personality, stages of creativity, creative potential, education


This article is devoted to the problems of creativity and creative person in interaction with the environment. This problem is cultural in nature and goes beyond just scientific creativity. Different approaches to the problem of creativity, creative activity, creative potential in the Russian philosophy and in contemporary philosophical, sociological and psychological literature are dicussed. The author clarifies the concept of creativity and the typology of its various forms and stages. Thus every stage of creativity such as the idea of the detailing and concretization of ideas, the embodiment of ideas to life can be considered as an independent type of creativity. This classification of creative activity was born in the framework of modern science and belongs primarily to the types of scientific work (fundamental, applied, and technical knowledge). The author comes to the conclusion that the division between creative and uncreative work is very conditional. There is no uncreative activity. The human activitits are originally creative and one can speak only about the percentage or degree of creativity in each activity. Among the concettions of creavity mentioned in the article are developmental approach, activity-organizational, axiological, sinergetichesky and resource approaches. All they are common in Russian literature. From foreign researchers special attention is paid to the conception of environment and the creativity of Salvatore MADI. The latter destroys the stereotypes of the attitude to creativity as something tenuous and defenseless. It is necessary to distinguish the different fate of the creative individual: the suppression of individuality and identity, limited local creativity, the creativity of the non-adaptive price psychopathology, and integrated creativity. Scientist Creator as a person begins with realization of the surrounding world, and determining its own attitude to the world, with realization of the needs of self-realization and self-development. It is self-realization in science, more opportunities of practical implementation of scientific ideas, not only earnings are the driving force of creativity in University and the scientific environment. The implementation of these scenarios undoubtedly depends on the type of creative personality, its value orientations. Appreciation of creative activity and factors affecting the creative environment of the University are analyzed. This analysis is based on the applied sociological research in universities and our own research. One of the main problems is the organization of creative environment and its information support. The results of this article can be used for improving the organizational and informational efficiency of creative activity at the University.

Information about author

Михаил [Mikhail] Юрьевич [ Yu.] Кузьминов [Kuz'minov]

Science degree: Ph. D. (Philos.)
Workplace Philosophy, Politology, Sociology named after G.S. Aref’eva Dept., NRU MPEI
Occupation professor


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