The Influence of Multichip IGBT Modules Topology on the Distribution of Current among Transistor Chips in Static Operation Modes

  • Владимир [Vladimir] Викторович [V.] Веревкин [Verevkin]
  • Станислав [Stanislav] Леонидович [L.] Стригунов [Strigunov]
  • Анастасия [Anastasiya] Петровна [P.] Пилипенко [Pilipenko]
  • Кирилл [Kirill] Андрианович [A.] Волобуев [Volobuev]
Keywords: IGBT module with multiple parallel-connected chips, current distribution, half-bridge


Factors affecting the distribution of direct current among parallel transistor chips in a multichip IGBT module are experimentally investigated. The voltage-current characteristics (VCCs) of single-chip modules with the rated operating current equal to 200 A and voltage equal to 1200 V in the collector current range from 50 to 200 A at temperatures equal to 25, 90, 120 and 150°C were measured to evaluate the compensation ability of the saturation voltage positive temperature dependence.

A comparative experiment on measuring the voltage drop across individual parts of the conductors system composed of samples of IGBT modules with different topologies based on the half-bridge circuit arrangement and having three parallel-connected chips in passing a 400 A direct current through the module was carried out. It has been found from the experimental results that the use of the saturation voltage positive temperature dependence for equalizing the current distribution between the chips has limited capabilities, and that one of possible methods for achieving this is to use the resistance of a system of aluminum conductors.

Comparative tests were carried out for estimating the stability of modules with different topologies to the effect of cyclic current load in a mode facilitating accelerated degradation of the soldered seam between the chip and the DBC substrate. The experimental results confirm the importance of considering the factors affecting the static current distribution between the chips in designing the topology of multichip IGBT modules.

Information about authors

Владимир [Vladimir] Викторович [V.] Веревкин [Verevkin]

Ph.D. (Techn.), Head of Semiconductor Devices Testing Dept., JSC «Proton-Electrotex», Orel, e-mail:

Станислав [Stanislav] Леонидович [L.] Стригунов [Strigunov]

Test Equipment Design Engineer, JSC «Proton-Electrotex», Orel, e-mail:

Анастасия [Anastasiya] Петровна [P.] Пилипенко [Pilipenko]

Manufacturing Engineer of IGBT Devices Development Dept., JSC «Proton-Electrotex», Orel, e-mail:

Кирилл [Kirill] Андрианович [A.] Волобуев [Volobuev]

Head of IGBT Devices Development Dept., JSC «Proton-Electrotex», Orel, e-mail:


1. Bäßler M., Münzer M., Burkert S. Research of Current Distribution in IGBT Modules with Multiple Chips in Parallel // Proc. PCIM Europe Conf. 2005.
2. Wu R. e. a. Comprehensive Investigation on Current Imbalance Among Parallel Chips Inside MW-scale IGBT Power Modules // Proc. IX Intern. Conf. Power Electronics and ECCE Asia. 2015. Pp. 850—856.
3. Chen N. e. a. Dynamic Characterization of Parallel-connected High-power IGBT Modules // IEEE Trans. Industry Appl. 2015. V. 51. No. 1. Pp. 539—546.
4. Morishita K. e. a. Investigations of Parallel Connected IGBT's Using Electromagnetic Field Analysis // Proc. IEEE European Conf. Power Electronics and Appl. 2005. P. 5.
5. Liang K. e. a. Research and Measurement of Chip Current Imbalance in IGBT Module with Multiple Chips in Parallel // Proc. Inter. Conf. Electrical Machines and Systems. Busan. 2013. Pp. 1851—1856.
6. Azar R. e. a. The Current Sharing Optimization of Paralleled IGBTs in a Power Module Tile Using a PSpice Frequency Dependent Impedance Model // IEEE Trans. Power Electronics. 2008. V. 23. No. 1. Pp. 206—217.
Для цитирования: Веревкин В.В., Стригунов С.Л., Пилипенко А.П., Волобуев К.А. Влияние топологии многокристальных IGBT- модулей на распределение тока между транзисторными чипами в статических режимах работы // Вестник МЭИ. 2019. № 6. С. 101—105. DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2019-6-101-105.
1. Bäßler M., Münzer M., Burkert S. Research of Current Distribution in IGBT Modules with Multiple Chips in Parallel. Proc. PCIM Europe Conf. 2005.
2. Wu R. e. a. Comprehensive Investigation on Current Imbalance Among Parallel Chips Inside MW-scale IGBT Power Modules. Proc. IX Intern. Conf. Power Electronics and ECCE Asia. 2015:850—856.
3. Chen N. e. a. Dynamic Characterization of Parallel-connected High-power IGBT Modules. IEEE Trans. Industry Appl. 2015;51;1:539—546.
4. Morishita K. e. a. Investigations of Parallel Connected IGBT's Using Electromagnetic Field Analysis. Proc. IEEE European Conf. Power Electronics and Appl. 2005. P. 5.
5. Liang K. e. a. Research and Measurement of Chip Current Imbalance in IGBT Module with Multiple Chips in Parallel. Proc. Inter. Conf. Electrical Machines and Systems. Busan. 2013:1851—1856.
6. Azar R. e. a. The Current Sharing Optimization of Paralleled IGBTs in a Power Module Tile Using a PSpice Frequency Dependent Impedance Model. IEEE Trans. Power Electronics. 2008;23;1:206—217.
For citation: Verevkin V.V., Strigunov S.L., Pilipenko A.P., Volobuev K.A. The Influence of Multichip IGBT Modules Topology on the Distribution of Current among Transistor Chips in Static Operation Modes. Bulletin of MPEI. 2019;6:101—105. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24160/1993-6982-2019-6-101-105
Power Electronics (05.09.12)