• Кирилл [Kirill] Александрович [A.] Воронцов [Vorontsov]
Keywords: multichannel conversion, three-phase inverter, pulse-width modulation, backup power supply, zero inverter cell, snubber


Matters concerned with systematic designing of three-phase inverters with an intermediate high frequency conversion are considered. The PTS-3000M power converter, which is used as a special purpose secondary power supply, consists of a two-channel high-frequency step-up controllable voltage converter (CVC), a two-channel three-phase voltage-source inverter (VSI), an intermediate filter (with a buffer capacitor in the DC link), and an output filter. The approach to evaluating the efficiency for the converter and its constituent parts is explained, which considers the VSI apparent output power as useful one. The structure of a group non-dissipative snubber is briefly described, and the efficiency of using it for a CVC is evaluated. The notion of ‘energy-efficient modulation law’ (EEML) is introduced for a three-phase VSI, and its synthesis principle is clearly showed. A short review and a comparative analysis of different EEML (trapezoidal and quasi-trapezoidal, including zero-sequence harmonics injection techniques) are presented using the results from computer simulation of three-phase VSI operation. Within the framework of investigating combined operation of a step-up converter and a three-phase VSI, a simulation-based calculation technique for selecting the buffer capacity in the DC link is chosen. Fully analytical solution of the buffer capacity selection problem is extremely inexpedient due to complexity of the analytical description of processes in a three-phase VSI with pulse-width modulation. It has been shown that a small (approximately 10% of the nominal level) overvoltage in the DC link caused by reactive load does not have a significant effect on the quality of the VSI output voltage, due to which it becomes possible to rationally minimize the buffer capacity. Some particularities of selecting the carrier frequency for the system's inverter and converter links are pointed out.

Information about author

Кирилл [Kirill] Александрович [A.] Воронцов [Vorontsov]

Workplace Electrical Complexes of Self-Contained Objects and Electrical Transport Dept., NRU MPEI
Occupation ph.D.-student


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Electrical Engineering (05.09.00)